Monday, August 4, 2008


In primary school context, this activity is applicable to be done in groups. For example, by exploring the Geometer SketchPad (GSP), the students can create any object (or maybe more) by using shapes (rectangles, squares, triangle, circle, etc.). Then, after they finished, the group will present and describe what are the shapes that they have used to create the objects. Therefore, through this GSP, the students are able to enhance deep understanding on the topic and expand their vocabulary on shapes. Besides, instead of listening to the instructions given by the teacher, this hands-on activity is more effective as the students can try by themselves and they will engage actively during teaching and learning process.


FUN MATH said...

great presentation:)
it gives us the idea on how to integrate technology in mathematics lesson in the classroom by using GSP.of course pupils will love and enjoy the lesson.

FUN MATH said...

an awesome softwares to be discovered by teachers esp math teachers. it does not mean we have to leave the pencil paper task, but to bring joyness and make lesson more fun, it is really worth. besides it is a way to exposed pupils to the world of technology.

AddPlusMinus said...

hello there,
GSP is indeed a tool that can be used to enhance teaching of primary mathematics education.
However, it struck our mind whether how deep is the understanding of the students if they were to learn using GPS without any reinforcement activities...Probabaly after the teacher have taught them using GSP, some enrichment activities should be done to reinforce their understanding...Agree?

M.A.T.H.S. said...

cantiknya korg punya blog..!
completed with feedbacks for each week..!
keep it up..!